Exhibitions – Dartmouth

Exhibition Flavel 1st February to 29th

Life can be so good, if you can only recognise your bad habits that rob you of your energy and
peace of mind. This truly is crucial to your happiness.

This exhibition is a map to life and the pitfalls that you can fall down very easily without even
knowing it. Bad habits trap you and handcuff you to sorrow and limit your life. You can be happy,
stable and at peace only when you conquer your bad habits.

You can make your mind your best friend with effort and willpower.

You are what you think, and also what you eat. Why not create pure thoughts that make you
healthy and happy?

The Punch & Judy tent (Phil & Judy) depicts modern day living that is similar to life in Eastenders
that represents life with their fighting and constant arguing but it does not need be that way.

The Traffic Light shows and explains how your mind goes wrong from the inside out. When your
thoughts malfunction and go too fast and bypass your judgement, it will reflect into your life.

With a poor diet based around meat, it influences the mind and causes disease in the body. You
are asked to eat Your Cat, as meat is meat, right? Would you cook your cat tonight, gas mark 7?
There is no difference between a cute lamb and your cute cat. People are clever at making excuses
and make out their cat is different to a lamb, but it is not! Bon Appetite.

The ‘ WW2 Mirror ‘ is asking you to stop and think and thank those before us who gave us our
freedom today at the cost of much suffering and sacrifice.

You are asked to look at ‘who you really are’, as you are more than just that body. You’re the soul.

With your busy lifestyle and lack of ‘Time’, it is good to stop and ask yourself: how much Love do I
fill my life with? We all end up in a coffin, so why not fill your life NOW with LOVE?

There is a poor Australian who is unhappy upside down; representing anyone who is not happy,
lives their life as if they are upsidedown. Many live upside down but do not realise it.

The hidden aspects to all of this exhibition, Point Blank, is most apparent with the 6 foot high
inflated Bacardi bottle which states there is no hidden Genie in that bottle or a beer bottle, but
only a hangover. I ask you: Do you handcuff yourself every day to something without even
knowing it? Is it not good to make effort and free oneself from the handcuffs of sorrow?

Do BAD HABITS rule you?
Are you handcuffed to bad habits that take
and waste your energy and make you tired?
Many don’t realise the effect of bad habits.

A bad habit is really like a thief in your life
stealing that which is most precious your
time and energy.

Do you feel you’re on life’s hamster wheel
going round in circles? Do you want to get
off this wheel of frustration and tiredness?
There is a way to step off it but you need to
look within.

Or do you climb an elevated ladder each

Do you worry for thats also a bad habit.