Exhibitions – Brixham 2016

The purpose of this art installation is to honour and mark the awful slaughter of all soldiers who
died in WW1 and those of the Somme, to which I have wrote a poem to those soldiers and their
many mothers.

We forget that all soldiers were once innocent children and who went to war innocent young men
and for those who made it back, came back traumatised.

The pram made into a tank, shows the innocence to which everyone is born, but are still born into
war, and some will end up marching off to war, and we become oblivious to it all.

The human race makes many mistakes and today every baby born in the world is born into war
and however remote and distant we think we are to war in the UK on this Island, we are affected
by it.

The camouflaged Pram Tank’ is a reminder and link to the past but is also ‘trying’ to be a modern
day lighthouse to the world trying to send out a message that there needs to be a stop to war so
that innocent children all over the world can grow up to be innocent men, not having to go off to

I shall be at Brixham Harbour from 11am on Friday 12th

David Jones

Many thanks